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License for 1 Public Screening

The Baby Boomer Dilemma 10-12 1716.png

Host the film at your local theater 

Hosting your own theater event is simple.


  1. Call any theater to rent time to screen The Baby Boomer Dilemma.  The film is rated PG by the MPA and qualified as a new theatrical release with theatrical distribution rights by Doug Orchard Films, LLC.  Your theater will charge a fee to rent the theater for a specific time.  Typically most theaters prefer you screen the film on a weeknight.  You typically can arrange to speak before or after the show.  Your theater typically can provide you with a mic, table and even have pre-packaged popcorn and soda for your guests.  Your theater has many great options when you screen our movie so make sure you ask them to learn what services they can provide for a spectacular experience.

  2. Purchase a license for 1 public screening here.   Your theater will have a preferred media format (either DCP or Blu-ray).  Either way, upon purchasing the public screening license here, we will email you and ask which format your theater requires.  If they require DCP, we mail that on a hard drive (the industry standard) and will require that you return it via mail after your screening.  If your theater prefers a Blu-Ray disc, you can keep the copy we send to you.  


If you live in an area that is not allowing theater events due to COVID, you can use this license to screen the movie at your local park or some other venue of your choice.

License for 1 Public Screening

The Baby Boomer Dilemma 10-12 1716.png

The First Agents Who Tried This


Small Title

Host the film at your local theater 

Hosting your own theater event is simple.


  1. Call any theater to rent time to screen The Baby Boomer Dilemma.  The film is rated PG by the MPA and qualified as a new theatrical release with theatrical distribution rights by Doug Orchard Films, LLC.  Your theater will charge a fee to rent the theater for a specific time.  You typically can arrange to speak before or after the show.  Your theater typically can provide you with a mic, table and even have pre-packaged popcorn and soda for your guests (or a gift card equivalent).  Your theater has many great options when you screen our movie so make sure you ask them to learn what services they can provide for a spectacular experience.

  2. Purchase a license for 1 public screening here.   Please purchase it 3 weeks prior to your event to ensure on-time media delivery to you.  It is fine to order it first before you book your theater.   Your theater will have a preferred media format (either DCP or Blu-ray).  Either way, upon purchasing the public screening license here, we will email you and ask which format your theater requires.  If they require DCP, we mail that on a hard drive (the industry standard) and will require that you return it via mail after your screening.  


If you live in an area that is not allowing theater events due to COVID, you can use this license to screen the movie at your local park or some other venue of your choice.

©2021 Doug Orchard Films, LLC.

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